Minor car accidents can sometimes lead to unexpected and lasting complications. A fender bender might not seem to result in significant damage or injury. However, even a small crash can have serious repercussions. 

You should always take the time to protect yourself and your finances after a car crash, no matter how large or small. Taking the time to consult a lawyer helps ensure that your bases are covered, both now and in the future.

Common Concerns After a Minor Car Crash

You might be under the impression that a minor crash will have a minor impact on your life. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. When a collision leads to minimal injuries or damage, the drivers involved tend to be more worried about a potential raise in their insurance premiums than anything else.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons to be worried after a fender bender. And in many cases, insurance rates are the least of your concerns. Every driver should be aware of the top reasons to consult a car accident lawyer after even a minor crash. 

Delayed Injuries

One of the most common complications after a minor car accident is delayed onset injury. In the immediate aftermath of a collision, you’re dealing with rushing adrenaline and heightened emotions. The chaos of the crash can make it easy to overlook or dismiss the signs that something is wrong. 

Some of the most common car accident injuries that aren’t immediately apparent include: 

In some cases, delayed onset injuries like organ or brain damage can lead to medical emergencies or even death just hours after the crash. 

In other cases, it can take time for the signs of a car accident injury to appear. Sometimes, you might not even notice pain for days or weeks afterward. By then, it can be difficult to prove that the crash was the cause of your injury. Seeing a doctor and consulting a lawyer after any accident helps establish that the crash was the origin of any delayed onset injuries.

Vehicle Complications

Just as all injuries aren’t visible at the scene of a crash, not all vehicle issues are immediately apparent. For instance, even minor accidents are associated with all sorts of significant vehicle problems, which can be mechanical or electrical in nature. And simple cosmetic damage, like the need for bodywork or a new paint job, can lead to thousands of dollars in expenses. 

Liability Issues

A car accident lawyer helps protect your finances after a crash. When you walk away after a minor accident without involving the police or a lawyer, you’re blindly trusting that everything will work out for the best. 

While another driver might seem friendly enough, it’s a mistake to let your financial future hinge on a stranger’s apparent good faith. If they find out they have injuries or vehicle damage, they suddenly have a financial motive for accusing you of causing the crash — even if they were at fault. 

In some instances, one driver will go out of their way to make it seem like everything is fine after a small accident. All too often, the other driver is suddenly blindsided when they’re accused of committing a hit and run or causing significant damage. 

When this happens, it’s your word against theirs. And if they’re the only driver to report the crash, the situation can have an unhappy ending for you. 

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help After a Minor Collision

If you’ve been involved in a minor accident, you should always take the time to consult a car accident attorney. Most lawyers offer free initial consultations, so you have nothing to lose by attending a consultation. 

After a minor crash, a lawyer will advise you on the steps you should take to protect yourself. Often, this includes being checked by a doctor, reporting the crash to the police, and submitting an insurance claim. These steps help to establish the facts of the accident in official reports. If there are complications down the road, you’ll need this documentation to back up your version of events. 

If you’re reluctant to report the crash, you can still benefit from a free consultation. A lawyer won’t do anything you haven’t asked them to do, so you don’t have to worry about your insurance company finding out. However, you might be surprised by how a lawyer can help. 

Handling Complications After a Minor Traffic Accident

If you find yourself dealing with complications after a minor car accident, you should involve a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. 

Some of the most common complications drivers encounter in the days, weeks, or months after a crash include: 

  • Medical costs
  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Vehicle issues
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Claims made by the other driver

A car accident lawyer will work with you to handle any issues that come up after the crash. If you took the time to see a doctor and file a police report, it can go a long way toward helping your case. If you didn’t take these steps, it’s particularly important to involve a car accident attorney as soon as possible. 

A lawyer will immediately begin collecting evidence and building a case for liability against the other driver. Once this work is done, your lawyer can file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. If a minor crash ends up having an impact on your finances, filing a claim is often your only option for recovering the compensation you need. 

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney For Guidance After a Minor Crash

Auto insurance companies might put up a fight, but they have more than enough money to pay for the costs you incurred due to the accident. You should never have to bear the cost of another driver’s negligent actions. 

Please contact an experienced Sherman Oaks car accident attorney at JUSTICENTER Personal Injury Lawyers for a free initial consultation today at (833) 852-3600.

Our main office is in Encino, CA, but we serve all through Los Angeles County.

JUSTICENTER Personal Injury Lawyers
16633 Ventura Blvd suite 1011,
Encino, CA 91436